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Special Audit for management

Potential procedural and accounting irregularities not only bring forth penal sanctions for the company, but also cause third parties serious damage, such as their partners, the government, creditors and those in business with the company. Serious damage is also caused when the company’s financial condition is not presented accurately when its financial statements are not prepared in accordance with accounting procedures determined by law.

By means of examining books of accounts records and documents and analysing data obtained by consulting staff, third parties and others concerned, we conduct auditing operations with cross-check monitoring

Major audits in this area can be summarized as follows:

• Accounting irregularities and fraud audit,
• Investigation of fraud by directors and staff,
• Litigation and dispute consultancy.

Financial/Controls Audit

Financial control is a critical part in the internal control and auditing function of any organization. Financial control audit service in Dubai is performed....

Compliance Audit

IAAS provide audit services of highest standards complying with the international auditing standards and keep up strict quality control procedures....

Operational Audit

As per the Institute of Internal Auditor (IIA), operational audit is defined as a systematic process of evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and economy....

Information Systems (IS) Audits

The thorough and careful examination of an organization’s information technology infrastructure is called system audit which is also known as the....